Wilden Air Valve|What is an air valve

High water pipelines or long water pipelines often produce water column separation due to pressure drop during power outages or pump shutdowns. An air valve can be installed to protect the pipeline. Air valve is sometimes called exhaust valve or intake valve.
Install air valves at the high point of the pressure water tank of the pumping station and on the water delivery pipelines to discharge the air in the water delivery pipeline to avoid pressure fluctuations when the water delivery pipeline is initially filled with water and the pipeline is filled after regular maintenance. When the water hammer produces negative pressure in the water pipeline, the air valve is opened to allow the air outside the pipeline to enter the pipeline to avoid large negative pressure in the pipeline, which plays a protective role; when the pipeline system is operating, when the pipeline is due to pressure or temperature When the change causes the air dissolved in the water to be released, the air valve will discharge it in time to prevent the formation of air bags in the pipeline and affect the operation of the pipeline system.

Wilden Air Valve
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+86 27 67120296